Looking back at last weeks weigh in post I realize that I forgot to update you all on my nephew. All is good! He had an ultrasound on Thursday and had an appointment with his family doctor later that day. The doctor seems to think he has an infection and a small hernia. When my brother asked "So it isn't Lymphoma?" the doctor chuckled and said "Who told you that?" Apparently my brother had originally taken my nephew to a medi-centre doctor when he got hurt at hockey. I am not a fan of medi-centre doctors. His family doctor said he wouldn't even thought of Lymphoma if he had examined my nephew. All of us worried over pretty much nothing.
Got to the gym last night and did 3 miles on the treadmill. Was an okay run but not great. So looking forward to being able to run outside again. Looked up sunset times for the next week and realized with us springing ahead an hour this weekend it means it will be light out later. According to a google search the sunset for Sunday will be 7:30pm and will get slightly later and later with each day. I am soooo excited!
Weekly weigh in....
Starting Weight: 192.8
Last Week: 171
This Week: 170.6
0.4 pound loss!
While I am happy with the loss, I was hoping for more. I really want to see the 160s again. I haven't been in the 160s since before I had my daughter 5 years ago.
I have been doing the Paleo Diet for 3 weeks now and I knew that I would lose quickly at first but was still hoping I would get at least a pound a week. I am still planning to stick with the diet until the end of the month. It hasn't been really hard sticking with the diet but I am not sure if I will continue once Lent is done. My weight when I started the Paleo Diet was 179 so I have gone down 8.4 pounds since starting.
I am doing a couple of Diet Bets this month so to win these games I need to lose 3.9 pounds by March 26th for one of the games and 3.6 pounds by March 30th for the other game. I am sure if I continue with my running and cut down on the nuts and dried fruit I have been eating I should be fine.
I have a race coming up on March 17th for St Patrick's Day. It is a 10k run. It would be nice if I could PR for this race, which would be less than 1:17:53 (12:32/mile). I have been trying to increase my speed each time I run on the treadmill in hopes I can speed up my running. We'll see how it goes.
I have a weekend trip coming up on March 22nd. The hubby and I will be going to Jasper for his teams year end tournament. I had a great time last year going as my son was playing and it was fun to hang out with the parents. This year I am not really looking forward to it because I can't stand most of the parents this year, they have been making my hubby miserable with him being the couch. I am still going to go and try to have a good time. Might be nice to go for a run in the mountains and hey the team is paying for our hotel. :)
How was your week? Any races coming up for you this month?